Hallo sobat kembali lagi dengan blog saya, oke di blog kali ini saya akan menjelaskan materi tentang "Asking& Giving Opinion ".
penjelasannya lihat dibawah ini!
1. Asking Opinion (Menanyakan Pendapat)
-Direct Question:
For example, "What do you think about this film?"
- Indirect Question:
For example, "What do you think about the decision?"
2. Giving Opinion (Memberikan Pendapat)
- Neutral Opinion:
Like, "I'm not really sure about this, but maybe..."
- Strong Opinion:
For example, "I believe this is the best solution to this problem."
3. Expressing Uncertainty (Menyatakan Ketidakpastian):
- Hedging:
For example, "I'm not sure, but maybe...
- Speculating:
For example, "Maybe it will turn out like this, but we don't know for sure yet
4. Asking for Clarification (Meminta Penjelasan Lebih Lanjut):
- Seeking Clarification:
For example, "Can you explain in more detail about this section?"
- Requesting Elaboration (Requesting Additional Explanation):
For example, "Could k"
5. Expressing Agreement or Disagreement (Menyatakan Setuju atau Tidak Setuju):
- Agreeing Strongly:
For example, "I totally agree with you!"
- Partially Agreeing:
For example, "I partially agree, but there are several aspects to consider."
- Disagreeing Politely:
Like, "I have a different view, if I may say so."
6. Offering Alternatives (Menawarkan Alternatif):
- *Suggesting (Suggesting):** For example, "Maybe we can consider another way like..."
- **Proposing an Option:** For example, "One option we can think of is..."
Each of these types is used in different situations, depending on the context and intensity of the desired statement.
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