Hallo teman- teman,selamat datang kembali lagi di blog saya. Dalam materi kali ini saya akan membahas materi tentang "Short Functional Text".
Baik teman -teman apakah kalian tau apa itu "Short Functional Text ", pasti kalian pernah sesekali mendengar nya, dan saya akan mencoba untuk menjelaskan materi tersebut. Baik simak penjelasan di bawah ini.
Short Functional Text
Short Functional Text is defined as a short text that provides information about something that concerns everyday life
Examples of short functional texts that can be learned
1. Caution/ Warning (Instruction/ Warning)
This short text has concise information aimed at the benefit of many people or the wider community. This short function text can be used to provide information about a guide or warning to many people.
NO SMOKING (no smoking!)
2. Greeting Cards or Greeting Cards
Contains short text containing good wishes and wishes sent by someone at certain moments.
Birthday Card (card happy birthday)
3. Announcement (Announcement)
Announcements or announcements usually only contain short text that has a specific purpose in providing formal information to many people.
There will be a flag ceremony on Friday to celebrate Pancasila Day. All students should wear white gray uniforms.
4. Short Message
Short Messages or short messages in the form of short texts that aim to inform someone about certain information that you want to convey. The message is usually conveyed because you cannot meet the person in question in person. You can write short messages on paper or send them via short messages via your cell phone.
To: Dani
Don't forget to pick up your little brother at the restaurant at 9 a.m.
Because today is rainy, so don't forget to bring your umbrella.
– Mom –
Source https://www.kampunginggris.id/pengertian-short-functional-text-beserta-contohnya
Oke teman- teman, tadi saya sudah menjelaskan sedikit materi tentang
"Short Functional Text".
Demikian dari saya,
Terimakasih semua
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