Assalamu'alaikum bro,
Kembali lagi di blog saya, dalam kesempatan kali ini semoga teman teman sekalian juga masih dalam keadaan sehat ya kawan.
Oke kawan, di blog ini saya akan membahas sedikit materi tentang "Short Functional Text"
Bagaimana penjelasan materinya, simak di bawah ini...
1. Definition
Short functional texts are types of informational texts to help the readers understand the information quickly. Short functional texts are usually characterized by: - The use of clear, simple, and concise sentences.
2. Purposes
Short functional texts are types of informational texts to help the readers understand the information quickly.
3. Types / Kind of
• Letter
A Letter is a more personal letter. A letter aims to convey information whether it is general or important. Compared to an invitation, a letter can have more intent according to the content you want to convey.
The example of a letter is not much different from the invitation by email above. It's just that the content is longer and more detailed.
• Shopping List
When shopping, a short functional text whose content is a list of needs will be very helpful. This step is needed to avoid mistakes or shortcomings of the goods to be purchased. Whatever goods you want to buy be it food or building materials should be written in the form of a shopping list.
An example of a shopping list is containing the name of the object and the amount to be purchased.
• Short Message
You must know right with SMS that used to be often used to exchange messages or information. SMS is a form of short message. Because it is sent to a private cellphone, it is more private.
• Food Label
Short functional text is also used to convey important information on food packaging. It is important to convey detailed information such as the content and what ingredients are contained in the meal.
• Manual Guide
No less important than food labels, manual guides are also needed to provide information related to objects or items that are about to be purchased and require assembly. For example, toy car products or electronic devices tha t must be installed pair.
4. Structures
narrative, recount, descriptive, report, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, procedure, discussion, review, anecdote, spoof, and news item.
5. Sample
6. Writing
Demikian sedikit materi dari saya,
Kurang dan lebihnya saya mohon maaf
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
good job👍🏾
BalasHapusgood job! tingkatkan kerapian, fungsi dan kaidah penulisan lebih diteliti lagi terutama pada kata asing yang harusnya bercetak miring. semangatt!!